Forecaster Observation - Tunnel Ridge, Middle Fork, Flathead Range

Location Name: 
Forecaster Observation - Tunnel Ridge, Middle Fork, Flathead Range
Flathead Range - Middle Fork Corridor
Date and time of observation: 
Mon, 01/30/2017 - 12:00
Location Map: 

Red Flags: 
Recent loading by new snow, wind, or rain

Observation made by: Forecaster
Snowpit Observations
More detailed information about the snowpack: 

The objective today was to determine the distribution of several things:

1. wind slabs due to moderate to strong winds over the past 24 hours.

2. reactivity of weak snow (facets) below the Jan. 19 melt-freeze crust, where present

3. presence of buried surface hoar about 6-8 inches from the surface.

Wind slabs exist on numerous aspects due to strong southwest winds. We did not trigger any avalanches, but we stayed away from wind loaded terrain and steep slopes altogether. 

The Jan. 19 melt-freeze crusts appears to exist up to about 5500-6000 feet in this location. Below the crust, weak facets exist. Above this elevation, the layer consists of soft facets (0.2-0.5 mm).

A layer of surface hoar exists in some locations (typically more protected slopes) at this location about 25-30 cm from the surface. It was not reactive in stability tests today, but this could potentially change as the incoming storm brings new snow and wind.

Snowpit or crown profile photo or graph: 
Snowpack photos: 
Snowpit videos (tests, etc): 

January 30, 2017 - Just a tad windy, Tunnel Ridge, Flathead Range

Any other comments about the observation or links to outside pages that have more info on the observation: 

This new storm may awaken persistent weak layers lurking in the snowpack (1. surface hoar about 10-16 inches from the surface depending upon location, 2. facets below the 1/19 crust, and 3. basal facets (in some locations)) depending on the amount of precip. Certainly the surface hoar and 1/19 crust/facet combination has more potential to become reactive than basal facets, but these avalanches could step down to those facets. Stay tuned...

Weather Observations
Blowing Snow: 
Cloud Cover: 
75% of the sky covered by clouds
Wind Speed: 
Strong (Whole trees in motion)
Air temperature trend: 
Wind Direction: 
More detailed information about the weather: 

Partly cloudy to mostly cloudy today with moderate to strong southwest wind. No new precipitation today.

High Temp. (C): 