Forecaster Observation - Tunnel Ridge, Middle Fork, Flathead Range
Location Name: Forecaster Observation - Tunnel Ridge, Middle Fork, Flathead Range Region: Flathead Range - Middle Fork Corridor Date and time of observation: Mon, 01/30/2017 - 12:00 |
Location Map: |
Red Flags: Recent loading by new snow, wind, or rain |
Observation made by: Forecaster
Any other comments about the observation or links to outside pages that have more info on the observation:
This new storm may awaken persistent weak layers lurking in the snowpack (1. surface hoar about 10-16 inches from the surface depending upon location, 2. facets below the 1/19 crust, and 3. basal facets (in some locations)) depending on the amount of precip. Certainly the surface hoar and 1/19 crust/facet combination has more potential to become reactive than basal facets, but these avalanches could step down to those facets. Stay tuned...
High Temp. (C):