Went to Lower Snyder Lake basin and found plenty of new snow and fog but limited options for ice climbing. TH at Lake McDonald Lodge had about 3-4" on the ground and by the time we reached Snyder Lake snow depths had increased to about a foot of low-density powder. We continued up on a southerly aspect to about 6000' and found some isolated unreactive wind slabs in cross-loaded gullies (5-12" thick) underneath the most recent powder snow. No melt-freeze crusts at the base of the snowpack anywhere we travelled, so we suspect this snow is new since approximately last weekend. Observed avalanche activity was limited to a dry loose sluff (D1.5) off the NW face of Mount Edwards but visibility was very limited. We couldn't see much in the Upper Snyder Lake basin. Very little wind and off-on snowfall all morning until mid-afternoon (S-1 to S1).