I went up to Peter's Ridge this afternoon and, at 6400' on a S aspect just off the ridge, I found another ECTP10 failing on SH buried 30 cm down, 10 cm above the mega Jan crust. I also found a new melt freeze zipper crust 10cm below the surface, just on the SE aspect 5600'-6400'. Sun must have popped out sometime past few days since I couldn't find it on the north side of the ridge. Also no failures on it. I didn't get anything to avalanche on small test slopes (just on N side) and was curious why. At 5800' NNW, I got an ECTN15 dn 20, with the 1/13 crust 40cm below the surface. Definitely didn't propagate, so maybe smaller or spottier surface hoar there? It didn't have tree cover, so I was surprised it hadn't formed. Didn't have vis to see any ridgeline terrain, and my hunch is that it hadn't tipped the scale for a natural cycle at that location. Winds stayed light, didn't observe any transport. Still, I found 3" of fluff on my parked machine at 4900' between 12:30 and 4:00.