Persistent Slab Conditions in Path 1183

Location Name: 
Path 1183- Adjacent to Wahoo Drainage
Observation date: 
Tuesday, January 23, 2018 - 01:30

Is this an Avalanche Observation: 
Observation made by: Professional Observer


Travel Details
Route Description: 

Toured up the looker’s right ridge of the Cascadilla drainage to the upper most elevation (~5960 feet a.s.l.). From this point, we descended toward the northwest and along an unnamed sub-ridge that is adjacent to the starting zone of avalanche prone terrain that produced a size 3 avalanche on 2/6/2017. The resulting avalanche ran full path, destroyed FEC powerline infrastructure, and buried both mains of the BNSF Railway under six feet (6’) of debris at the Railway’s milepost 1182.9 (~ MP 1183). Hence the path’s identifier, Path 1183. The furthest terminus point of debris was on US Highway 2.

