Observations from three snowpits in a small area (300 - 400 yards apart) on slightly different aspects (SW, SE, and SSE) at around 6400 feet. All three pits showed similar results in the extended column test. ETCN was observed at the new snow interface with the layer below (10 - 20 cm down). Fracture initiated within the first 10 taps in all three pits for this layer. Another ETCN appeared between 35 and 45 cm down, and fracture was initiated after 20 taps in all pits. A compression test at one of the pits (SSE aspect) also showed similiar results to the ETC. A CT7(Q1) at 25 cm down and a CT22(Q2) at 45 cm down were observed. A propogation saw test was performed and a fracture did propogate. Results: PST 35/100 down 120 cm on surface hoar/facets 5 to 10 cm above the January 13th rain crust.
We did a short tour on a ridge running east from Whitefish Mountain Resort on the afternoon of 2/26, ending back at the resort.